Manual map downloads
If you want to test a map, or are having issues downloading while in the game, here's how you download the map and make it usable by the game.
Find the map download link from an online repository (see below)
Download the .pk3 file by right-clicking the map name and choosing to "Save link as" or something similar in your browser window.
Move the .pk3 file to your game client download folder
Mac: /users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Quake3/q3ut4/download OR /Applications/UT Updater/q3ut4/download
Linux: /home/<USERNAME>/.q3a/q3ut4/download
Windows: <URBANTERROR_INSTALL_LOCATION>\UrbanTerror43\3ut4\download OR C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Urbanterror\q3ut4\download
Map repos - Doesn't have direct map downloads, but lets you see a preview of the map <-- Current repo our server points to for downloads
Map testing
Once you have a map downloaded, you can test a map out without connecting to a server or starting a game from the menu.
Start Urban Terror
At the first menu, hit the back-tick key ( ` ) to access your console
Type /map <MAPNAME>
Don't add the .pk3 extension of the file name. For example, if the map file is ut4_italy_a5.pk3, you can just type ut4_italy_a5.
Partial map names work sometimes too, if nothing else matches. For example instead of typing the full map file name you could type: /map italy.
You can hit the tab key after typing the beginning part of a map name to see matching maps. For example /map ut4_terrorism<TAB> would show all the terrorism maps you can choose from. But you have to be specific on which map name you type if you want it to load. For example: /map ut4_terrorism4
Fun stuff
You can customize your player to wear a hat, beard, mohawk, and other fun things on your character while you play. We have funstuff enabled on our server. Give it a try!
Every character has different options. In the game, look to see what characters you have set up for when you are on the red and blue teams (Setup > Player).
Go to this page, and look up the code you need to enter for the items you want. Note some things can be used with a helmet, other's can't.
For example, I have Tom and Rafiq set up. You can also choose an item for Free-for-all games, but you can only choose from the red version of your character. If I want a hat for each, these are the respective commands I'd jot down:
Blue team - Tom: capbl (blue hat)
Red team - Rafiq: caprd (red hat)
Free team - Rafiq: capgn (green hat)
Next, while playing a game, hit the console back-tick key ( ` ), which is usually under the escape key.
Type /fun<TEAM> <ITEM>. Don't have a space between /fun and the team color.
For example:
/funblue capbl
/funred caprd
/funfree capgn
Now go show it off in game!
How-to's coming "soon"
User authentication
Game modes
Game settings
Recording (demoing) a user
Boring info for Admins and Mods
How to use RCON
If authenticated to the game, no setup is required
GUI: Esc to bring up the Menu > RCON > RCON Password
Console: Use the ` (backtick) key, then type /rconpassword <rconpassword>
Chat: Type “t” to start a chat, then run commands after a forward slash
Example: /cyclemap
Example /kick big
Some commands don’t work with this method
GUI: You are limited to just the commands available in the GUI menu
Console: All commands must be started with /rcon followed by the commands
Example: /rcon cyclemap
Example /rcon kick big
Game types
These commands must be run in the console
Instagib: /rcon g_instagib 1
Must be in FFA/TDM first
Disabled with /rcon g_instagib 0
Last Man Standing: /rcon g_gametype 1
Free For All: /rcon g_gametype 2
Team Death Match: /rcon g_gametype 3
Team Survivor: /rcon g_gametype 4
Follow the Leader: /rcon g_gametype 5
Capture & Hold: /rcon g_gametype 6
Capture the Flag: /rcon g_gametype 7
Bomb & Defuse: /rcon g_gametype 8
Jump Mode: /rcon g_gametype 9
Freeze Tag: /rcon g_gametype 10
Gun Game: /rcon g_gametype 11
Game administration
Commands that are run in the console only show /rcon in front
map <map name>
/rcon g_nextmap <map name>
forceteam <player> <red/blue/spec>
bigtext “<message>”
slap <player>
smite <player>
nuke <player>
mute <player> <seconds>
/rcon status
/rcon clientkick <player number from /rcon status>
kick <player> <reason>
ban <player> <minutes>
F11 - Screenshot
F12 - Demos: Start/Stop recording
Demo recording is stored in <your user profile>/.q3a/q3ut4/demos
Click Demo from main title screen in game
While viewing demo, open console and type /set r_shownormals 1
How to ban an IP of an online player
These steps will add their IP to the banlist.txt file on the server. If the player is online, this is easy. If the player is offline, contact one of the Admins.
Getting their IP
This step is not required if the player is online, it’s just for information purposes
With your RCON password entered, type in the console: /rcon status
This will show the list of players in the order they joined
Add to the banlist
This will ban their current IP. If they reboot their modem or use a VPN, they will have a different IP and bypass the ban.
With your RCON password entered, open the RCON menu
Choose Players > Player List, and select the problem player
Choose Ban from the action buttons
3. If the player is copying someone's username and you don't want to kick the wrong player: /rcon clientkick <player number from /rcon status>
Boring info for Admins
Quick links
Hosted on Google Sites
Check the player count
SSH into the server
Service administration
SSH into the server
Use the applicable command to either check the status, stop, start, or restart. Be sure to check the player count before you stop or restart the service!
sudo systemctl status urt
sudo systemctl stop urt
sudo systemctl start urt
sudo systemctl restart urt
Check server workload
SSH into the server
How to add a new clan member
Once approved by admins, add as a “member” to
Post a quick welcome message in Discord General Chat, ask that they tag up with [SBs] next time they play
Add name to roster on website
Uploading maps
Connect with Filezilla
Copy map(s) to the download folder on the server
Within the game, reload the server with reload in chat, or /rcon reload in the console
Deleting maps
Map files (.pk3) are put in use by the game service. In order to delete them, you first have to stop the service.
SSH into server
Check player count by running ./
If no players are online, stop the service with sudo systemctl stop urt
Move into the download folder, and delete the map(s) desired with rm <FILENAME>
Restart the service with sudo systemctl start urt
Map cycle
Edit the mapcycle.txt file on the server
No server restart is necessary after editing the mapcycle.txt
Can set the game mode per map in the mapcycle.txt (space after/before curly braces is important):
ut_ricochet { g_gametype 3 g_gravity 800 }
ut_swim { g_gametype 7 }
ut_uptown { g_gametype 3 g_gravity 300 }
Note: Whatever CVAR you set will carry on to the next maps. So specify what you want to change back on the next map in the cycle.
Put one map file name (without the .pk3 extension) on each line
Edit the server.cfg file, change the map line with the name of the first map in the rotation and the game settings
Run the reload command on the server to read the new map cycle.
How to ban an IP of an offline player
Getting their IP
SSH to the server
Find their IP from their username (don't forget the leading period): .\ <PLAYERNAME>
Add to the banlist
Run nano banlist.txt
Add the IP to the bottom of the file, followed by a colon and a negative 1, like this :-1, as seen in the other entries
Click CTRL-X, then Y to save